What’s new on UniVerse 12.1?

UV 12.1 Architecture

  • Two Process architecture
  • System Buffer
  • Front-end, Back-end processing

High Availability/Disaster Recover

  • Data Integrity, Reliability, Accessibility
  • UniVerse Recoverable File System (RFS)
  • Replication Improvements & Performance Enhancements


  • Accelerated transaction performance and processing
  • Core engine performance

Additional Improvements

  • Python
  • Audit Enhancements
  • EDA

Universe – What’s new?

UV 12.1 New Architecture

HA/DR (High Availibity / Disaster Recovery)

What is it and why do I need it?

Recoverable File System (RFS)

Business Critical Issue

Can´t afford to lose a single transaction and we need to get our business up and running quickly should a system outgage occur.


RFS Commits every transaction to the log (journal) prior to being written to disk, so that when an unexpected outage takes place the files system can always restore quickly to the last complete transaction.


  • Never lose a single transaction
  • Improved up-time for SLA’s Compliance Audits
  • Improved Data Integrity – Avoid file corruption
  • Fast restoration. Avoids lengthy manual intervention for file repairs.

New Architecture: RFS Protection Enabled


Universe 12 – Performance and Integrity

Accelerated Transaction Performance & Query Processing

High Volume ATM transaction speeds were 10% faster.
Data entry processing was 60% faster, compared to UV 11.3.1.

Data Integrity, Reliability, Accessibility

Decreases system downtime which can cost an organization between $140,000 – $540,000/hour.


Field Level Replication

  • Problem: Prior to 12.1, the entire record was transferred to the subscriber even if only a single field value was changed. Unnecessarily replicating large records consumes extra resources and is inefficient.
  • Solution: 12.1 Introduces “Field level Upgrade” allowing replication to only replicate the field values that have changed.
  • Results: Greatly reduced overhead and improved performance.

Overall Faster Data Server Enigine… Just Upgrade!!

12.1.1 Performance – SQL Query Optimization

  • Create six data files with 5 million records (1 column) and different file character.
  • Use ‘SSELECT filename’ to test the sorting performance of each file on WINDOWS and LINUX.

Additional Enhacements

1- Python Improvements

  • Added support for AIX
  • Python auto-completion
  • More TCL Python commands

2- Security Improvements

  • Audit logging Improvements
  • Upgrade to OpenSSL 1.0.2m

3- EDA Improvements

  • Support for MYSQL
  • Support for multi-level file datetime
  • Reduce size of EDA file

MV back to the Future with Python

MV Native Python

Access MultiValue from Python

  • Call catalogued subroutines
  • Perform transactions directly in Python
  • Manage select list and manipulate dynamic arrays

Access Python from MultiValue

  • Call Python functions from MV BASIC
  • Run Python programs from ECL
  • Enter Python interactive shell from MV prompt

Python Installation & Setup

  • Now available on AIX, Windows and Linux 64-bit platforms.
  • Python version 3.7 is a default installation version bundled with UniVerse 12.1.1 release.
  • XDEMO test files bundled with UniVerse allows anyone to use this data, without restriction, to begin building apps with Python.

Access Python from MultiValue

  • Call Python functions from MV BASIC
  • Run Python programs from ECL
  • Enter Python interactive shell from MV prompt

MV Audit Logging Improvements

Accountability – Provides indisputable evidence that someone accessed or modified
certain system objects or performed certain actions on the system.

Flexible – Flexible policies cover any event. Policy changes can be activated in real-
time without any system down-time.

Performant – Audit Logging now supports multiple output files including sequential
file logs, significantly improving the performance of Audit Logging.

Reconstruction – Since the log data was chronologically generated, it can be used as
an audit trail, during and after certain instances that triggered the security audit.

EDA Improvements

  • EDA now supports MYSQL server along with SQL, Oracle, DB2.
  • Significantly reduces the size of an EDA file for UniVerse.
  • EDA support for multi-level files.

Clients and DBTools at a glance

Common Clients
Easily connect to MV databases using standard drivers and native API’s for Rocket MV databases. Includes:

  • ODBC – Open Database Conectivity – Standard API for many DBMSs
  • JDBC – Java Database Connectivity – pure Java driver, NLS capable
  • OLEDB – Object Linking and Embedding, Database – Microsoft API
  • UOJ – UniObjects for Java
  • InterCall – for any C client
  • UCI – UniCall Interface – SQL Call Level interface


Eclipse-based tools for programming and administration. Includes:

  • RESTful Web Services
  • Basic Developper Toolkit (BDT)
  • Extensible Administration Tool (XAdmin)
  • Web Services Developer (U2 WSD)

Universe 12.1 Platforms

For further information please contact us: info@vmark.fr